Partner Success 360
Mitchell Hill

Can a local store benefit from advertising in The Post and Courier? You bet, and exactly because they’re both local.
Mitchell Hill, the full-service gallery and interior design shop that is quickly becoming an Upper King Street icon, advertises regularly in The Post and Courier and attributes some of its success to that partnership.
Mitchell has seen all the fancy metrics that advertisers use about reach, frequency, clicks, and so on, but he uses a far simpler but more relevant measuring stick. “A lot of this is sort of shooting in the dark because we don’t know how people are reacting to things, but what we do know is when they come in and they talk about it,” he said. “Certainly, with our advertising with The Post and Courier we get a lot of feedback. We get a lot of traffic off it and people come in with the ads. They do lead to sales. They lead to new friendships and new customers, which is really what we want. I can grab a tourist off the street but to get to the local people, it’s The Post and Courier.”
“We have clients literally walk in the door with a torn ad, torn out of the newspaper, in their hand, and some of them have said ‘I want that rug,’ or they’ll say, ‘what else do you have like this?’ They do lead to sales. That’s what we need to get from advertising and what The Post and Courier delivers,” says Michael Mitchell, founder of Mitchell Hill.
The Post and Courier offers a comprehensive portfolio of solutions to help your business succeed. Our multimedia account executives will tailor your plan based on your marketing needs. To start your experience with The Post and Courier Advertising team, contact us today.